Why use a professional glass cleaner?

Glass comes in different shapes, grades, and styles, and over the eras, has formed a trail of breadcrumbs in formulating window cleaning standards. This is the grey area within the glass cleaning industry, where the cleaning and maintenance is as recommended by the manufacturer, and manufacturers have either discontinued or the cleaning isn't clear or effective in all cases.

Using our service will give you peace of mind that your windows will be looked after. We have the necessary tools and experience to ensure we don't scratch/damage your glass in the cleaning process, and provide you with knowledge of how to maintain and take better care of your windows.

Our Window Services

Crystal Clear Views has been in the industry of providing professional window cleaning for eight years. We’re all about building relationships and helping keep your windows, crystal clear.

We are good at what we do. We can be fast at what we do. We can be cheap for what we do.

If you want a cheap fast job, it wont be good. If you want a cheap good job, it wont be fast. If you want a good fast job, it wont be cheap!

Commercially we run fortnightly and monthly window cleans, and are competitive in our pricing.

Residential cleans comes down to the individual clients needs. We aim to thoroughly clean your windows the first time through, and then continually maintain your windows externally every two months, and your internals every 3-6 months.

How often do you get your windows cleaned?

A question that gets asked a lot. Much depends on the location of your glass. For example, ocean front glass will need treatment more frequently than a sheltered home in a suburban environment. Likewise commercial glass is often road side, picking up soot, dust and oils and is in need of more frequent treatment.

The next factor is the budget. Window cleaning can be expensive given the amount of glass and the difficulty of access of your job. Whilst we adjust price for continual repeat work, some jobs are not viable to be done more than once/twice a year.

- Residentially, we recommend a thorough initial clean. Two monthly for externals, and 3 - 6 monthly for internals.

- Commercially we recommend a thorough initial clean, then fortnightly externals, and monthly internals from there on.

Hobart | Carlton | Bruny Island | Bream Creek | Sorell | Glenorchy | Kingston

Kettering | Lindisfarne | Midway | Moonah | North Hobart | Salamanca

Sandy Bay | Taroona | South Arm | Howrah | Glebe

And all in between!