ABN: 17591 226 500
P: (03) 6108 1372 M: +61 435 072 528
E: admin@crystalclearviews.com.au
Based in New Town, TAS 7008
Hi, I am Jacob the owner of Crystal Clear Views and lead window cleaning technician. I’m a twenty nine year old millennial. I’m a little ADHD, but I have great attention to detail I’m super respectful, I charge honestly for my work, and I do a thorough job. There’s a lot to learn about glass cleaning.
I’ve been working for myself since I was fourteen; specifically as a window cleaner for eight years; and as a gutter cleaner for three years. I have a very practical skill set from growing up on a farm, and having studied and worked in construction and project management for 6 years.
I now am a step father to three beautiful kids and my partner, and we’re located in New Town, Tasmania.
Hobart | Carlton | Bruny Island | Bream Creek | Sorell | Glenorchy | Kingston
Kettering | Lindisfarne | Midway | Moonah | North Hobart | Salamanca
Sandy Bay | Taroona | South Arm | Howrah | Glebe
And all in between!