Happy Easter Holidays

Happy Easter Holidays!

We’re one third of the way through the year and what a year it has been so far. I’ve never been so focused and driven to get my business to the goals I have set, to expand. A part of this is due to my relationship coming to an end, where I was a step father to three beautiful kids for year 4 years. It’s taken a big toll on me, and recovery is a long road, but I have the help of an excellent psychologist to give me the tools I need. I’ve ridded myself of all my distractions, and now have two focuses; work and music.

My first focus is building up commercial window cleaning work to the point that all day to day expenses and business expenses are covered by on going recurring commercial work, providing more financial security. Weekly to monthly recurring work is my main drive. Residential work as great as it is, will never give security of income as its dependent on whether the client is willing or able to pay, and much of this work is affected by the economical conditions of the environment. So I am flat out hustling more commercial work, and have built a calculator that ill hopefully be able to incorporate into my website, to allow both residential and commercial clients a like to count their glass and get an instant ball park quote via my website. This is something I haven’t seen any other window cleaners do and I’m excited about the prospect here.

The quoting calculator gives a variety of options from squeegee and ladder work which provides the high end premium finishes, to the purified water machine treatment. The calculator gives a whole range of options, which essentially provides discounted rates for recurring on going cleaning, allowing residential clients the option to have year round clean windows for a fraction of the price they’d usually pay.

My second focus is my music. As some of you may know, I’ve been a musician in hiding for many years, and in recent times I have been putting myself out there. I now run the open mic night at the republic bar every Tuesday evening, showcasing my own works but also building connections and an evening of entertainment, in a caring and supportive environment. Never have I been so motivated to share my experience with others. I have a few pieces of equipment yet to attain, but given the nature of musical equipment, they’re very expensive pieces that I’m saving up for. You may see me busking around town these days, and if you do see me, know this; your time for 5 minutes is far more important to me than a few dollars. I work full time, busking for me is sharing my experience, and when people stop and listen, it makes other people feel comfortable to stop and listen.

Anyhow, enough waffle from me. I have set some big goals for the next 12 months, and given the growth I’ve had in the last three, I think I’m going to smash it through the park. If you’re looking for a quote, lets chat and come to an arrangement that works for both of us - thats the beauty of small business.

I wish all of you a happy Easter, and hope you all stay safe on the roads travelling around. Whatever the occasion, slowing down the race to the finish, to spend time with family and friends is what it is all about.

All the best and I’ll see you next week, helping Tasmanian’s appreciate their Tasman view, one window at a time.

Best Wishes

Jacob Eynon

Crystal Clear Views